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Promoting the rights of persons with disabilities to combat human trafficking

December 1, 2022

In recognition of the United Nation’s “International Day of Persons with Disabilities” (3 December), ASEAN-ACT explored the nexus between disability and human trafficking.

Persons with disabilities often face physical, behavioral, and attitudinal barriers when accessing justice and support. For example, a person’s disability may lead criminal justice professionals to overlook them as a credible witness.

It is therefore critical that frontliner responders and other counter trafficking actors are disability-aware and able to accommodate persons with disabilities to ensure they can actively participate in the justice process and all decisions that may involve or impact them.

Our expert panel illuminated the vulnerabilities of persons with disabilities to human trafficking, and explored counter-trafficking measures that promote access, inclusion and agency for victims with a disability.


Ms Saowalak Thongkuay presentation

Judge Bambang Hery Mulyono presentation

Ms Nguyen Thi Lan Anh presentation





  • Ms Saowalak Thongkuay, Co-founder and Steering Committee Member, ASEAN Disability Forum (Thailand)
  • Judge Bambang Hery Mulyono, S.H, M.H, Head of Agency for Judicial Training, Education, Research and Development, Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia
  • Ms Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, Founder and Director, Action to the Community Development Institute (Vietnam)