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Displaced by climate: vulnerability to trafficking in a warming world

May 27, 2024

Human trafficking has the potential to increase by 20-30% during humanitarian disasters, according to a UNEP report.

Due to extreme weather conditions in Southeast Asia – home to more than 600 million people – the region faces environmental challenges both sudden or slow-onset, including excessive heat, cyclones, floods, droughts, and sea-level rise.

These changes will impact patterns of movement within, across, and beyond the region. In this context, it’s critical to consider the intersection of climate-induced vulnerabilities and patterns of exploitation, particularly in the form of human trafficking.

The effects of climate change can exacerbate pre-existing vulnerabilities among populations, such as poverty, unemployment, and social exclusion. These socio-economic factors are known as contributing factors that place individuals at risk to trafficking in persons.

In this webinar, our international and regional panel discussed the intersection between climate change and human trafficking, and explore policy and practical responses.

Presentation by Ahmad Ibrahim

Presentation by Grace Blando

Presentation by Lim Puay Tiak



  • Ahmad Ibrahim, Winrock International, Bangladesh
  • Grace Blando, Department of Social Welfare and Development, The Philippines
  • Lim Puay Tiak, ASEAN Disability Forum