ASEAN TIP Data Baseline Report
Data is fundamental to every decision made by victims, courts, government agencies or civil society organisations to prevent and combat human trafficking.
Without data, it is difficult to tell the impact of allocated funds, whether trafficking patterns are changing, and what efforts might be needed to improve counter-trafficking responses.
More importantly, without data it is difficult for a trafficked victim to make an informed decision about whether they will give evidence in a trafficking case.
The transparent publication of national Trafficking in Persons Annual Reports ensures that the hundreds of government and non-government agencies across the ASEAN Member States that work to further the Convention’s goals and support victims with shelter, legal assistance, medical and counselling support all have the same information to inform and improve their service delivery.
To mark the 5-year anniversary since the ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (ACTIP) entered into force, ASEAN-ACT has studied Trafficking in Persons Annual Reports that ASEAN Member States have published in 2020, and their approach to national reporting of ACTIP.
The Baseline Report can be downloaded here.
To support the Baseline Report, a TIP Data Toolkit has been developed to explain how to report on the 22 TIP data indicators. To see good examples from the ASEAN region of how countries are publishing trafficking data with a focus on victim-sensitive approaches, click here.
A summary of the Baseline Report findings and recommendations can be downloaded in Bahasa Indonesian, English, Khmer, Lao, Thai, and Vietnamese.